Saturday, July 4, 2009

Zaid Hamid on Hindu Zionism

Follows the long history of deceptions and enemity towards us by our lowly neighbour and exposes how they continue to grab every opportunity to harm Pakistan. Revealing account of things you may have never known before including important information about the Indian-Israeli nexus.
BT-11 Hindu Zionism 1: Google
BT-12 Hindu Zionism 2: Google
BT-13 Hindu Zionism 3: Google
BT-14 Hindu Zionism 4: Google
BT-15 Hindu Zionism 5: Google
BT-16 Hindu Zionism 6: BlipTV-2
BT-17 Hindu Zionism 7: BlipTV-2
BT-18 Hindu Zionism 8: BlipTV-2
BT-19 Hindu Zionism 9: BlipTV-2

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